Small businesses need to stay on top of their accounting practices. Understanding how money comes in and when it goes out ensures that a business is managing its cashflow properly. Managing your vendors in QuickBooks can be summarized in 5 simple points.
Organize Your Vendors
Businesses can work with a lot of different vendors. For example, a grocery store not only buys their produce from specific locations but may also work with mailing services and maintenance companies. QuickBooks “Vendor Types” gives business owners a chance to organize vendors into specific lists by the type of vendor or their geographical location.
Customized Reports
Vendor Types in QuickBooks allows a business to keep track of all important data related to a vendor. This saved information can be used later during tax time, for mailing purposes, or when searching for specific types of receipts and information. A retail store may have vendor lists for everything from the accessories to the cosmetics they invest in. A business owner or manager can then search the list to find information by region, bill date, or by product. One can even create a list if they have worked with contractors and may need this information later on for repairs and maintenance work.
Be Prepared for Tax Time
Using QuickBooks and staying on top of vendors and payments is smart. This ensures all financial information is in one place when it’s time for tax computation. No one wants to sift through filing cabinets for papers or have to go on a hunt for all necessary documentation. QuickBooks Vendor Type list holds important contact information about different vendors so that a business can stay in touch with them. Everything is already there in QuickBooks; all receipts, payments, and information related to income received and expenses paid.
Pay Bills on Time
QuickBooks has an auto-debit or auto-charge feature. This ensures that all recurring payments to your vendors are always made on time. The due amount is automatically deducted from the business’s account, which saves you time, effort and money. One can do this for supplies or for some recurring bill, like a utility or lease bill.
Save Time
An office may end up spending hours on paperwork if they aren’t careful. QuickBooks cuts back on the amount of time spent looking for or reviewing invoices, bills, and contracts. All the information is in one place, which means all owners, managers and related people can view and use it. With the click of a button, people can find important information without having to sift through papers. This helps a business stay on top of its finances, streamline its operations and save time. The time and effort saved means that people can work on developing their products, marketing campaigns and on other important projects and duties.
Businesses need to stay organized if they want to get ahead. This means keeping all vendor information categorized and in one place. Using QuickBooks means that one can organize vendor names, contact information, and bills or past work. A business owner or manager can then easily access the information later on or use it when reviewing finances.